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Joe Sabah presents 65 inspirational stories that shed light on our purpose and our souls.

Are You Singing the Song You Came to Sing?


Since 1974 I have been asking the question, "Are You Singing the Song You Came to Sing?" I ask this same question of everyone I meet. Sometimes I have to clarify the question with “Are you doing what you really want to be doing? Are you doing what God put you on this earth to do?"

It must have started when I was in the employment agency business in 1971. I asked applicants what type of job they really wanted to do. Their answers confirmed the national statistic that 80% of people are not happy doing what they’re doing.

After many years of asking this question, I sent an e-mail survey to a thousand of my friends to find out if they were singing the songs they came to sing. Sixty-five of them submitted their stories of hope, passion, and fulfillment. Some answered with a resounding, "Yes, I am!" Some answered with “I'm at least humming the tune.”

Regardless of a person’s age or station in life, it’s important to constantly re-evaluate and ask this question, "Are you doing what you really love to do”?

My wish is that you enjoy reading these stories, find inspiration and motivation, but more importantly take time to pause and reflect on your own life.

I’d really like to hear from you. Let me know the song you’re singing or the one you’d like to sing. Email me at

NOTE: In this ebook version, you can click on all the links and visit the websites of the authors, or email them directly.

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